There are a number of reasons why people have to take out a Payday Loan: some have car problems, and they need money to fix that, some may have medical expenses or damage on their property that needs to be repaired, and some just can’t wait to get the goods they want right now. It is all up to you why you need quick cash. We treat every client equally regardless of the circumstances, so fill out our easy online application posted on this page if you are interested in getting a Payday Loan. After that, based on our experience and risk assessment, one of our representatives will contact you to discuss your offer or suggest some other options that may offer you more benefits.

Quick and Easy Payday Loan Services in Canada
Get quick cash without having to leave home
Need money to cover your groceries, car repair, or medical bills while waiting for payday? Cash Cowboy has a suite of fast and practical Payday Loan option at affordable rates:
Payday Loan
Looking for a Payday Loan ? Need a quick Payday Loan to go on vacation, get your car repaired, or have additional shopping funds? Our payday loan can lend you up to $1,500 for your personal needs—it’s all up to you how you want to spend it. Think of our payday loan as a cash advance service; we’ll lend you the money you need right now and once your payroll comes in on payday, e-transfer your repayment to us, you can apply for a re-loan right away!
Minimum income requied is $500/ Month!
Must be a resident of Ontario / BC!
Borrow up to 50% of You Net Pay Until Payday!
Repay Your Loan in 3 Payment instalment!
No Credit Check. Low Credit Score is Okay!
Apply for a Fast Online Payday Loan Now!
It takes no more than 10 minutes to complete a payday loan application on our platform! Whether you are receiving government benefits or you have a steady income/proof of employment, you can apply for a Cash Cowboy Payday Loan and get the funds in your account within 24 hours after approval. Apply today!